
Showing posts from June, 2021

difference between formative and summative assessment

  formative assessment assessment taking place during the teaching learning is called as formative assessment aims to monitor student learning provide students with feedback may occurs several times during a course unit can use a wide range of question there is a thorough sampling of the limited content area more restricted sampling reinforce learning mastery by providing data that can directly remedial teaching it is conducted during the development of a  program it take between the dialogue between the learner and the teacher more frequency in learning use the methods of assignment, observation, reflective journal etc... formative assessment may be integrated in all part of the lesson- before the lesson, during the lesson, after the lesson. it emphases on determining weakness of the learner. it measures the students learning level in against the standard set up in the test. can be done by internal evaluators summative assessment summative assessment is the assessment which helps in t