difference between formative and summative assessment

 formative assessment

  1. assessment taking place during the teaching learning is called as formative assessment
  2. aims to monitor student learning
  3. provide students with feedback
  4. may occurs several times during a course unit
  5. can use a wide range of question
  6. there is a thorough sampling of the limited content area
  7. more restricted sampling
  8. reinforce learning mastery by providing data that can directly remedial teaching
  9. it is conducted during the development of a  program
  10. it take between the dialogue between the learner and the teacher
  11. more frequency in learning
  12. use the methods of assignment, observation, reflective journal etc...
  13. formative assessment may be integrated in all part of the lesson- before the lesson, during the lesson, after the lesson.
  14. it emphases on determining weakness of the learner.
  15. it measures the students learning level in against the standard set up in the test.
  16. can be done by internal evaluators

summative assessment

  1. summative assessment is the assessment which helps in the assessment of the level of students in a particular course
  2. summative assessment occur at the end of the learning activity
  3. aims to evaluate students learning 
  4. yield a specific  score or result
  5. may occur few times over the course of the academic year.
  6. can only use a limited number of question format.
  7.  it is a final test of learners achievement concerning with large block of concept.
  8. it is conducted of the completion of a program
  9. it test learning outcome against set of objectives
  10. it check the final status of the learner
  11. it use well defined achievement tools such as project
  12. less frequency in testing
  13. through summative assessment pupil can obtain the over all picture of how they are doing at the end of the term semester exam
  14. can be done by internal or external evaluators
  15. intended to measure learning, typically after a unit/course to gather evidence of desired learning 
  16. examples - final exam, final course project, research paper or  portfolio
