comparison of Criterion and Norm-Referenced tests


  1. The main aim is to measure the effectiveness of a programme or instruction.
  2. It provides specific information on individual levels of performance with respect to objectives.
  3. The score of an individual can be interpreted individually.
  4. The purpose is not to classify and rank learners, but to ensure development.
  5. Test results are used to evaluate students performance relative to specific performance levels anticipated.
  6. A test constructor is not concerned with developing a test to maximize the variability of test scores.


  1. The main objective is to measure individual difference
  2. it aims to classify and grade learners in various categories.
  3. the meaning of any particular score can be determined only by comparing it to other scores achieved by students taking the test.
  4. it is often used for selection purpose
  5. test results are used for making comparative decisions regarding individuals
  6. it is specifically constructed to maximize the variability of test scores, as the purpose is discrimination of individuals by comparison
